How to Create a SEO friendly Blog on Shopify Platform ?

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How to Create a SEO friendly Blog on Shopify Platform

Writing SEO friendly blog requires skill. It is important to keep your readers interested while giving relevant information in a structured format. 

It’s a common misconception that people think that writing an SEO blog and writing to engage your audience are two conflicting things. However, that is not the case.

To put simply, writing for the SEO platform requires inclusion of correct keywords at the right places. However, you should not “over-do” on this strategy as Google might get the indication that you are stuffing keywords in your content which will negatively impact on your SEO ranking. 

We will provide you with 9 actionable tips that you can use to write an SEO friendly blog for your Shopify platform.

9 Practical Tips To Write An SEO Friendly Blog On Shopify  

Let us go through these tips that will help you write an engaging blog while maintaining the rules of search engine optimization.

Think carefully before you start typing on your keyboard

Think of the message you want to convey before you start writing. Consider these key questions:

  • What is the main point or question you want to address?
  • What is the purpose of your content?

Also, think about the intent behind a reader’s search. To gain insight, review search results for the keyword you aim to rank for. 

It will help you tailor your content to meet user expectations and improve search performance.

Form a structure for your content

A well-defined framework is necessary to produce a blog post that is both readable and search engine optimised. Introduce your topic in the first paragraph of your introduction. The body should come next, where you should outline your key points. Summarise the main ideas or offer closing reflections to close.

You can better organise your ideas and make sure that the writing flows naturally by outlining your ideas for each part in brief. Once you have this outline, you’re ready to start writing!

Include paragraphs and headings

For the purpose of how it might appear, refrain from beginning each new sentence on a separate line. Keep paragraphs focused on one key idea and concise. Divide an idea into several paragraphs if it needs more explanation.

Headings enhance SEO and help readers navigate your material. Your article will be easier to browse and more organised with the use of subheadings. To keep your text flowing naturally and interesting, use your keyword in a few subheadings but not all of them. Excessive use of keywords may turn off readers.

Including keywords

If you stuff your post with too many repetitions of the main keyword, readers may find it less interesting and your ranking may suffer. Google is now more intelligent and favours user-relevant content.

Rather than repeating the focus keyword, Google now understands your content through synonyms and related terms. Using these variations throughout your text can help you create more natural and relevant content while still optimizing for search engines.

Adding transition words

Transitional phrases help your viewers navigate your content and comprehend how ideas relate to one another. Use terms like "first," "second," and "finally" if you're listing the top three reasons customers purchase your goods. However, "similarly," "for example," and other related words can make connections between ideas more clear. 

Furthermore, expressions like "to sum up" or "in short" indicate the arrival of a conclusion. To put it briefly, transition words are crucial for giving your work clarity and structure.

Interlinking to content on the website

Please include a link to any prior posts you may have made on the same subject. This is referred to as internal linking. It makes navigating easier for readers and aids Google in understanding the connections between your content. 

To put shortly, internal linking offers these benefits:

  • It enhances your Google rankings by creating a strong link structure.
  • It provides valuable content for your readers, allowing them to easily explore related topics.
  • It boosts the authority of both your new and existing posts by reinforcing your expertise.

Optimizing your content length

Try to keep your blog postings to 300 words or less, but pay attention to how well you balance them. Longer articles may confuse readers even though Google tends to favour them. For the most part, we advise staying with short to medium-length pieces. You can try with longer postings if you're comfortable with your writing.

Remember to include your focus keyphrase frequently in your article to improve search engine optimisation and raise your blog's ranking!

Be consistent

Regularly adding new blog entries shows Google that your website is relevant and active. Since Google tries to crawl regularly updated sites more frequently, this can help raise your ranks. 

However, make sure the content is useful, well-written, and relevant to your audience's search intent before posting merely for the sake of it.

Welcome feedback from other people

Before publishing your post, have someone else review it first. Ask them if the main message is clear and invite them to point out any typos or grammatical mistakes. An outside perspective can help assess the readability and appeal of your content. 

If you have a team member with expertise on the topic, be sure to get their feedback as well. They can ensure you're covering all the essential points and offer suggestions to enhance the quality of your post.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I avoid keyword stuffing in my SEO blog?

Keyword stuffing can hurt your SEO ranking. Instead of repeating the same keyword, use variations and related terms naturally throughout your post. This makes the content more engaging and SEO-friendly.

What is the ideal length for a Shopify SEO blog post?

Aim for a balanced post length of between 300 and 1,000 words, even though Google tends to favour longer content. Prioritise producing high-quality content that meets the search intent of your audience and is beneficial to them.

How can internal linking improve my blog’s SEO?

Internal linking boosts SEO by creating a strong link structure that helps Google understand your content better. It also keeps readers engaged by guiding them to related topics, enhancing the overall user experience.


Gopi Radadiya

Gopi is a vital part of our Shopify marketing team, always ready to create ecommerce solutions for our clients. When she’s not busy solving Shopify puzzles, you’ll find her exploring new tech trends and sharing her knowledge with the community.